Representing growers, harvesters and a multitude of other stakeholders and rightsholders in the Pacific Region, the PSIA will be the unified voice of this exciting new industry.
What we can do for you.
6 reasons to become a member of Pacific Seaweed Industry Association.
Key industry connections.
We will connect you with key industry connections to help grow your business. We will actively work to improve these connections.
We are working to create workshops that will help improve your business - from seaweed farming basics to growing your business. We are working to make these the most relevant for your business and the industry.
We are working on creating conferences for all members involved in the PSIA. This will build an active community in the pacific seaweed industry for ongoing collaboration.
Tailored experience.
We directly work with each member to tailor their experience with the PSIA. We will understand your business goals and work to help you accomplish them.
Job board.
We strive to build out the seaweed industry, which starts with your business. We will advertise jobs for your business for free through the PSIA media outlets.
Unified voice.
As a unified voice of the industry, we are able to expand and become an economic powerhouse while contributing to a better environment to live in and ultimately contribute to a blue economy.
Hear it from our supporters.
“As a Canadian Port Authority located at the headway of the fertile waterways of the Alberni Inlet and a leading proponent of the leveraging the potential of seafood and aquaculture in our region. …
We are confident that the seaweed sector will provide benefits for both traditional farming and aquaculture to feed the planet in an environmentally sustainable manner, while creating jobs and economic sustainability for communities in both rural and urban areas. …
We are pleased to support your efforts and those of the PSIA. “
– Zoran Knezevic
President & CEO, Port Alberni Port Authority
“ The Pacific Northwest is at the cusp of a seaweed as food revolution. It may have taken 4000 years but the opportunity for everyone on earth to have access to this highly nutritious food is at hand. With all stakeholders pulling together we can deliver this ocean-borne bounty while restoring its environment at the same time. As a key stakeholder the Pacific Seaweed Industry Association plays a pivotal role in delivering information on seaweed cultivation with integrity, transparency and passion. “
- Bill Collins
Chairman, Cascadia Seaweed